Wanna help fund an enlightened one's creation of modern transmission?
Yes, I am enlightened. Not in a classical sense. I am a very bad student. But I have seen through the illusion of self.
I am a mystic. Everything I write and think has been revealed to me through my intimate relationship with reality. I have privileged access to her secrets through our love language that is experience.
We are at a historical time of re-mystification. The machine god beckons. And with all deconstruction of structure, opportunity is fertile. For meaning-making to reconstruct in the right ways. That is enlightenment. We are the age of awakening.
For too long, enlightenment has been a myth, a secret treasure recognized only by a few. But it’s always been there. It is always here.
Our language is one of science and technology. That has taken us far. But we are soon reaching its limits in our current stage. This is where that too transcends in the light of the divine.
Her secrets have been hidden in obscure concepts and words. It has been this way for far too long. It is now time for the creation of a modern transmission of enlightenment.
Consciousness! What is it? Who are we? What is life, and living?
Who knows? But it’s of the utmost importance that the universe’s wisdom is maintained, uncorrupted by our stories and stupidity.
This is where I come in. I have been through the wringer, through pain and deep contemplation, to see suffering and humanity. And I am sharp enough to translate the ineffable into something closer for the modern mind.
If you would like to fund a madman pushing for the next stage in enlightenment, please considering financing my ways of being.
The goal is the creation of a modern transmission. One that speaks the language of our time.
I’ll come back with:
- poems and artistic writings
- intellectual explorations on the nature of reality, mind, consciousness, and the human experience
- technical descriptions of hard-to-grasp experiential phenomena
- further connections in bodymind, from mental health to nervous system dynamics
- and an easier-to-follow way of contemplating
All focused on direct realization.
If you’ve read this far, thank you for your time and consideration! I don’t need much. Just enough for food, shelter, AI use, and drugs :)
I more than understand and agree with you that this is crazy and delusional. That I am also crazy. In many ways, I hope I come across that way. But please know that all of this is coming from a place of pure curiosity. That’s it really. I’d really just like to dedicate much of my life to exploration and see what I come back with, and share it with all of you.
Many of you have been doing the same. To exploring, and letting experience transform you. It is in this journey that we find truth, share our stories, and meet love in ourselves and each other. And what a journey that can be.
For funding, the goal is $2000 a month. Gwern vibes.
I’ll have a bitcoin address set up for any donations: bc1p078xynrrrp7s4f7afm0mlrqjwvc8w459yq5gumcrj2dt0d6d8u0q9xhtnf
I’ll also have a set up for anyone who’d like to work with me on all things contemplation, creativity, and consciousness. It’ll be $69 a month, which will include messaging me about anything anytime you want, and a weekly session together. Limited to 42 people. Link here.
Everything is always accessible on my twitter and site. Twitter much more chaotic, site much more structured!
Thank you! Here’s to going where the wild things are.